Save a little fortune - everyone has heard of the fact that some people keep some small things that supposedly bring good luck to them. Soldiers from the war carried cartridges from the ground or bullets stuck in their equipment, believing that this would bring them good luck.
Farmers, after reaping a great harvest, leave something out of vegetables or grains, and believe that it will bring them good luck next time. So finding your little fortune will not be difficult.
Attracting Luck
People who are lucky and lucky are always the subject of gossip, discussion and envy. Of course, that is not fair, because someone is lucky to be a favorite of fate, and someone is just sweating and bleeding, if they are still lucky, so be it. Sometimes the secret of good fortune is hidden in a special amulet that attracts his attention.
This item can be a horseshoe or a four-leaf clover. It has become a habit to post horseshoes on nails at the door so as to bring good luck and cast out evil spirits. It has become customary to pin a four-leaf clover to clothing and wear it. In this case, luck is guaranteed.
All items associated with positive emotions in your life can also bring good luck. This will attract good luck, and at the same time, it will also remind you of pleasant events in your life, which will have a good effect on you in any scenario.
You can do everything yourself
How to make a talisman for good luck and good luck? It could not be easier. For example, you could make a pendant mention of a small object associated with something good in your life.

For example, if you drill a small hole in a coin found or a bullet that has passed (military tradition), thread the chain and bring this item with you, it will definitely bring you good luck.
You can save on paper or other improvisation tools. Make amulets in the form of magic runes that bring good luck. It is recommended to conspire against such an object which will contribute to good luck.
More lucky
Save Big Wealth is like a big coin. This depicts runik signs that bring good luck and, as a rule, protect from the evil eye. You can wear it with a chain.
Sure, many see on TV how witches wear something round and big on a chain.
This is not a simple decoration, but a savings. Depending on the rune or conspiracy against the item, it can bring good luck or give strength.
You can make amulets to be lucky with your own hands, just show your imagination or find things related to your achievements or success in life. Simply carry it with you, you can carry it with a chain - this will not change the magical nature of the item.